Remembery Chips is available by mail from Wayward Fluffy Publications,
38 Sandy Ridge Road, Stoughton, MA 02072. The book is stored as a self-extracting archive on a 1.4 meg high density disk.
This version is for the Macintosh computer only.
Minimum system requirements: Macintosh LC, II series, Performa, Centris, Quadra, or Power Macintosh, or color PowerBooks; hard disk; color monitor; 2.5 megabytes of free RAM; Apple system software 6.0.5 or later (System 7 or later strongly recommended).
Standard price: $15 US (plus $0.75 Massachusetts sales tax if applicable)
User group price: $12 US (plus $0.60 Massachusetts sales tax if applicable).
Educator price: $12 US (plus $0.60 Massachusetts sales tax if applicable).
Shipping and handling fees (regular air shipment USPS):
US.........................................$ 1.50
Canada................................$ 1.65
Mexico................................$ 1.85
All other............................$ 3.25
User group special: order two copies of the Pixel Book™ Remembery Chips, and pay just $20.50 (plus shipping and handling, and MA sales tax if applicable).
Checks must be drawn on US banks. Only US currency can be accepted at this time.